Linkedin Westin Event: Yash Provided 150mbps of bandwidth connectivity

    • Corporate Events
    • Linkedin
    • April 10, 2024

Linkedin Westin Event:

Hiring the right talent faster with AI. Explore the transformative power of AI in Talent Acquisition at LinkedIn Hire Connect, a never seen before gathering of over 400 senior executive industry peers and inspirational voices at Westin, Hyderabad on 10th April, 2024.

Yash Provided 150mbps of bandwidth connectivity:

Yashinfosystem once again demonstrated its expertise in event connectivity at the renowned Westin hotel in Hyderabad. With precision and efficiency, Yashinfosystem allocated 150 Mbps of leased line connectivity specifically for registration purposes. Impressively, over 120 users were successfully registered and connected throughout the event using Wi-Fi.  Yashinfosystem’s commitment to delivering reliable and efficient connectivity solutions was appreciated.